Breathe freely again.

 A holistic approach to respiratory wellness

Halotherapy Salt Room

  • Halotherapy is an exposure to kinetically activated dry 99.99% pure grade sodium chloride (salt) where the micro sized particles are being inhaled while the large salt particles are spread on top the skin. Since dry salt is antibacterial and super absorbent it actively kills bacteria and reduces inflammation in the respiratory system and widens airways for better breathing.

    Up to six guests will be able to kick back in the salt room and enjoy a forty-five minute halotherapy session in zero gravity chairs, with heated foot domes and relaxing music to fully unwind and de-stress all while breathing in the incredible benefits of halotherapy.

    Please bring a pair of clean white socks to wear while enjoying the heated foot domes.

  • Halotherapy sessions in our salt room last for 45 minutes and cost $35

Halotherapy Salt Booth

  • The same benefits of halotherapy that you get with our salt room only in a condensed form. We have two booths at Respire Salt Spa to offer quick sessions for people on the go.

    You will sit in a single person sauna style booth and receive a full treatment in as little as ten minutes. Sessions may be extended to fifteen minutes.

  • Ten minute session…$10

    Fifteen minute session… $15

Ionic Foot Detox

  • Sit back in ultra comfortable chairs and enjoy a 30 minute foot soak in ionized water. The water will turn colors as the toxins and free radicals are extracted from your body. After a thirty minute soak, you will have your feet rinsed off and wrapped in a warm moist towel. We will dry off your feet to conclude the experience.

    Benefits of ionic foot soaks include:

    Increased energy

    Improved circulation

    Improved organ function

    Decreases pain

  • Ionic foot detox session last 45 minutes and cost $35.

Book an appointment

Located in downtown Troy, across the street from the Hayner.

14 S. Short Street, Troy, Ohio 45373

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5 pm- 8pm

Saturday 10 am- 4pm

Salt Room and ionic foot detox sessions start at the top of the hour.

Salt booth sessions are in increments of ten or fifteen minutes and can be started anytime.

Book a Session Here

Our Story

I first discovered halotherapy with a friend, on a girls’ trip. Neither of us had ever participated in a halotherapy session or ionic foot detox before. Afterward, we were both amazed at the instantaneous improvement we felt in our respiratory systems and the reduction of arthritic pain.

I knew there was something to this.

After fully researching halotherapy, I am convinced that everyone should experience it for themselves. These are only a few benefits to halotherapy, which I hope you will come and discover for yourself at the Respire Salt Spa in Troy, Ohio.

The spa’s relaxing atmosphere fosters warm connections through a holistic approach to wellness.

Respire Salt Spa is a member of The Salt Therapy Association.



Are there any side effects?

Salt therapy is a 100% natural, safe, and drug free treatment. Although there are no known negative side effects, some may experience a mild skin irritation that will disappear after a few sessions. You might also notice a mild taste of salt on the lips or have a mild tickle in your throat during treatments, which is easily treated by sipping water.

Can children come?

Yes, children are welcome! Children respond to halotherapy very effectively and it can be beneficial for children with mild asthma and allergy symptoms. Children under the age of 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult during the sessions.

Can I bring water?

You are welcome to take a bottle of water into the treatment room, but they must have a lid. Please refrain from bringing any other fluids or food into the building.

Do I need to make an appointment?

We highly suggest making an appointment, especially if you have a group that would like to experience our services together. All salt room sessions begin at the top of the hour, and you can call, book online or stop by to see if there is availability. Our salt booth sessions can be booked ahead of time or walk-ins are welcome as booth sessions have a much quicker turnaround.

Does halotherapy increase sodium levels?

Halotherapy will not affect your sodium levels, as breathing in salty air is not the same as ingesting salt.

How many sessions do I need?

Each person is unique in their condition and overall health. Many people witness positive results after the first few sessions while some with more severe chronic illness may need multiple sessions to have a noticeable improvement. Many people also choose to use halotherapy as a preventative measure against seasonable allergies and cold and flu.
